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Legal Solutions if you have been injured in a slip and fall accident

Due to one reason or another, everyone has taken a fall or tripped on something on the floor and injured himself or herself. In most circumstances, the reason for the trip and the fall can be attributed to you being distracted or simply not paying attention to your environment. But there might be some special occasions when these falls happen due to the presence of a certain hazard on someone’s property. When this occurs, there are certain procedures that you should follow and also there are several solutions available to you. For a more comprehensive breakdown, head over to https://www.jaeleelaw.com/.

The cause for your slip and fall accident might be the property owner’s negligence. It’s their responsibility and some legal action that you can undertake. Here are some options and tips that we offer to you.

First, the definition

What counts as a slip and fall accident? The term is associated with personal injuries that happen when a person falls on another person’s property due to the presence of a dangerous condition or hazard. The danger mentioned earlier could be present in many forms: a wobbly handrail, inadequate signage, poor lightning, low ceiling, a wet floor, holes in the floor, lowly hanged/ poor placed fixtures and fittings, live electrical wiring among others.

Slip and fall injuries fall under tort law, where the proprietors have a duty of care to every person who strolls onto their property.

Seek immediate medical treatment

There are two major reasons why you should seek immediate medical help in the case of a slip and fall injury.

Injuries of such a manner may involve damage to the head and possibly to the spine and back. Such trauma may not appear like a medical emergency due to the lack of immediate symptoms. We can attribute this to the protective layers surrounding the above-mentioned body parts. However, the damage could rear its ugly head a few hours or days later. You could be in serious medical condition without your knowledge. Don’t compromise and visit a hospital.

The second reason is for medical documentation. Such documents from a practicing and certified practitioner solidifies your case against the negligent parties. Your doctor will be able to detail the extent and level of damage. Later on, this becomes evidence that will help you in your injury tort case.

Legal solutions


Litigation, of course, revolves around the prosecution having the responsibility of presenting the case against the defendant. Your slip and fall attorney must be able to prove without any doubt that the property owner/ occupier was negligent in his operations. That’s obtaining the documents from a medical practitioner was necessary.


The matter can also be handled outside of court and is not an uncommon occurrence. The defendant’s attorney could have reviewed the case and seen that the case is in your favor. To take the matter off the public limelight, an agreement will be reached with you depending on various factors considered like the severity of the person’s injury, recovery time and lost wages over the healing period.

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